Abstract Sculpture by Francois Chapuis_abstraction,decoration(model:1003647)
Creator: Francois Chapuis Model: Abstract Sculpture This mixed-media work captures movement, which is conveyed through the detailed texture of bubbles and patterns frozen in the resin. The dark, heavy honeycomb-patterned material is offset by the light yellow translucence of the rest of the piece. It is raised on a contemporary metal base. Тэги: смола, полупрозрачный, застывший, стенд настольный, декор, квадратный, железо, металл, ископаемое, моллюск, черепаха, археология, древность, абстракция
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Koolaa 3D model » Abstract Sculpture by Francois Chapuis_abstraction,decoration(model:1003647)
Koolaa 3D model » Abstract Sculpture by Francois Chapuis_abstraction,decoration(model:1003647)