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Burke decor Mina Mirror_burke,decor,mina,mirror(model:3961169)


This is high poly 3d model Stack not collapsed. 3ds, fbx, obj files exported without mesh smooth modifier. No hidden objects All objects grouped All objects have materials No missing textures and texture paths cleared All objects have 1:1 scale File have only model, no lights or cameras Unit scale cm 1:1 The textural Mina is a perfect example of how Made Goods does beachy—rather than a sparse use of oyster shells, the frame of this coastal-inspired mirror stacks them up, highlighting their unique shape and hues. The raw materials create an almost sculptural feel, an inspired and modern take on the typical shell piece. MATERIAL: Oyster Shell 30”W x 42”H Outer Profile: 4” 74880 polys

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Koolaa 3D model » Burke decor Mina Mirror_burke,decor,mina,mirror(model:3961169)


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