Mrf Pavement Set08(model:4602280_Square_Vray,Corona)
Mrf Pavement Set08 All Maps are 4k The texture is seamless 4 Different Color PBR Material (Vray, Corona): AmbientOcclusion, BaseColor, Glossiness, Normal, Displacement The way the material is displayed depends entirely on the lighting and the surrounding environment. The moisture level of the material can be changed by changing the gamma number in the color correction related to glossiness V-Ray Material Library Corona Material Library Max file V-Ray Max file Corona
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Koolaa 3D model » Mrf Pavement Set08(model:4602280_Square_Vray,Corona)
Koolaa 3D model » Mrf Pavement Set08(model:4602280_Square_Vray,Corona)